If in case you contact us and our response is a little slow, please know that it’s not always intentional. This only happens when there are too many requests on the desk. However, we always do our best to make sure all messages are attended to at the appropriate time.

Before contacting us

We strictly advise you to go through our FAQ page before contacting us. We have answered so many questions in the FAQ section. Additionally, make sure you don’t contact us in regards to any of the below. 

  • Please take note: We do not partner with random people on this platform. 

  • Don’t request free services here unless you want to get blocked.

  • Do not contact us to apologize for a violation of our terms and services. We have our own way of handling that.

  • We do not give discounts to New SmartCarding users. You only get a discount when you have transacted at least $500 with us.

  • Don’t contact us to ask about our well-being. This is a business platform, and you should know that already.

For quick responses, you can contact us through WhatsApp,Telegram or liveChat. The email form is also available if you’re not in a hurry to get feedback.